
Gemwings are rock hard
Gemwings are highly variational depending on where they were born, born in a hot place may make them obsidian, near salty areas they may be salt.

brown: amber
Black: Obsidian
Purple: Amethyst
green: Jade
Blue: Turquiose


these dragons often live in caves and tunnel them to find gems in which they hoard and use to adorn their own scales.

(current) Queen and past queens

Queen Vivianite
Past queens:
Queen Crystalline(first queen)
Queen Jasper
Queen jade, there are more but these are the most important.


Their scales are made out of the gem they are (a obsidian one has obsidian scales) A can see a gem when near by, even through cave walls, they are also excellent diggers.


they are named after gemstones or properties of gemstones like crystalline, Vitirous and Luster